Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 10
GOAL: That the youth understand and integrate Jesus’ moral vision into their lives as his disciples
The youth will learn how to:Examine personal decisions and behavior in the light of the moral norms taught by Jesus and the Church GDC #85} {CCC: 1454]
Apply the parable of the Prodigal Son to their own lives and relationship to God [CCC: 1439]
Enter into the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a more mature way and identify personal practices of penance [CCC: 1450-1460]
Explain the Beatitudes and their key moral implications (Matthew 5:3-10) (Luke 6:20-26) {GDC #103} [CCC: 1726-1729]
Evaluate and form the personal choices faced in daily life according to the moral norms taught by Jesus and the Church {GDC #104} [CC: 1804-1809]
Identify forms on injustice, oppression and violence in today’s society and take practical steps to address them {GDC #104} [CCC: 1965-1974]
Promote forgiveness and healing in one’s family and among peers [CCC: 1430, 1435]
Name and explain the following traditional penitential practices and devotions of the Church: Fasting, Abstinence, Stations of the Cross, Almsgiving [CCC: 1434-1439, 1969, 2669]
Take a more active role in the parish’s efforts to care for the poor, the sick, the needy {GDC # 183} [CCC: 1965-1974]
Exercise and promote a greater spirit of hospitality in the parish, especially to those who are often ignored, discriminated against or marginalized in our society today {GDC # 183} [CCC: 1971]
Participate in the Church’s celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil (Triduum) [CCC: 619-623, 1323]
Continue to develop various forms of prayer {GDC # 85} [CCC: 2686-2690]
The youth will understand:The dignity of the human person [CCC: 1, 219, 458, 1934]
The nature and need for ongoing conversion {GDC #53-57} [CCC: 1428, 1432, 1439]
The nature and role of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the life of the disciple and relationship to ongoing conversion [CCC: 1425-1460]
The moral implications of the passages from the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:13-16 [CCC: 782]; Matthew 5:21-24 [CCC: 2262, 2302 -2303]; Matthew 5:27-30 [CCC: 2336, 2380, 2382]; Matthew 5:38 -42 [CCC: 2443-2449]; Matthew 5:43-48 [CCC: 1933, 2053-2055]; Matthew 6:19-21 [CCC: 2729]; Matthew 6:24-34 [CCC: 2113, 2547, 2830-2831]; Matthew 7:1-5 [CCC: 678]
The moral implications contained in the story of the Last Judgment found in Matthew 25:31-46 [CCC: 544, 1033, 1470, 2447-2449, 2843]
The nature of personal or social or collective sin in the light of the moral teaching of Jesus and the Church {GDC #85} [CCC: 386-387, 408, 598, 953, 1869, 1886-1889]
The moral examples of the saints and contemporary people of faith {GDC #109} [CCC: 828, 945, 2030]
The meaning and purpose of human sexuality as revealed in scripture and Church teaching [CCC: 2331-2336, 2360-2367]
That aspect of the Church’s mission which promotes God’s reign through works of justice and peace {GDC # 85} [CCC: 849-858, 1805-1809, 2044 -2046, 2419-2425]
The meaning , value and traditional symbols of the Lenten season as a time set aside by the Church for personal and communal conversion [CCC: 1163, 1169]
Youth will have the opportunity to:Participate with adult mentors of the parish in various social and service projects
Participate in a youth retreat
Experience various forms of the celebration of reconciliation, personal and communal
Continue to assume various roles on the parish liturgy: servers, readers, ushers, hospitality, music, planning the environment
Address social injustices in society such as poverty, sexism, racism, and unfair labor practices
Parents/Guardians are asked to:
Participate with your son/daughter in the Church’s celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil
Participate in the celebration of the Eucharist with your son/daughter on weekends and holy days of obligation
Participate with your son/daughter in a parish reconciliation service
Encourage participation in individual and family Lenten practices
Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.
Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade: