Parish Mission Statement: St. Kunegunda of Poland Catholic Church is a sacramental community that celebrates our faith in Jesus Christ by serving, bearing witness, educating and inspiring our community as we continue to grow as a people of God on our journey toward eternal life.
St. Kunegunda of Poland
Parish Location: 6895 Highway 17 ~ Rhinelander, WI 50501
Northern Lakes Catholic Communities Office and Mailing Address:
5001 Highway G ~ Eagle River, WI 54521
Mass Times:
Thursday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 6 p.m. (Memorial Day thru Labor Day)
Sunday 10:30 a.m.
myParish App now available for
St. Theresa and St. Kunegunda Parishioners!
Our parishes are now listed within the myParish App!
This is a free app available in app stores for both Apple and Android devices.
Within the myParish App you can find prayers, Mass information, calendars, homilies,
bulletins and more! Plus, we are currently working to expand the current offerings,
so keep an eye on the app for new stuff to come your way!
Click on the appropriate link below to download
the app for your device.
Parish Council
Mark Granges, Chairperson
Jackie Anderson, Secretary/Trustee
Cynthia Wallis
Shirley Sowinski
Margo Smith
Bob Zmek
Bryan Young
Mark Grages
Kathie Wick
Michele Cornelius, Cemetery
Finance Council
Margo Smith, Chairperson
Ken Kortenhof, Trustee
Julie Jakubowski
Pat Sand
Nancy Thorn
Building and Grounds
Bob Zmek, Chairperson
Women's Council
Kathie Wick, Chairperson