Synod on Synodality... what is this all about?
Quite simply, the idea of synodality is not new. According to the International Theological Commission, synodality is: “the specific modus vivendi et operandi (way of living and operating) of the Church, the People of God, which reveals and gives substance to her being as communion when all her members journey together, gather in assembly and take an active part in her evangelizing mission.”
Ok, so now that we know what synodality means in general, what does it mean for us here in the Northwoods? In an nutshell, it means the Pope wants to hear from his people, all of his people. As already mentioned, synods are not new, for certain. What is special about this Synod on Synodality is that it is a three year synod (2020-2023). Across the world parishes, national bishops conferences will be gathering to discuss synodality and how we can more deeply embrace the mission of evangelization of our universal Church. This is structured very intentionally to allow all the people of the church to participate if they so choose.
This is such an exciting time to be a part of our church. As we know that through our baptism, we are not just all members but each are personally responsible for the mission of the church. The focus of each of these meetings will be to look into how the Holy Spirit is calling each of us individually to work together to live out the mission of the church.
The parish gathering for our cluster will be Saturday, February 19 from 9 am—11:30 am at St. Peter the Fisherman. All adults are welcome to join us! Also, please encourage your high school students to join us as well. We hope that you will prayerfully consider taking the time to join us for this gathering of information, prayer and sharing. You can register on our web page, by calling any parish office or by signing up in the gathering spaces of each church. If there is a need for childcare, please indicate so on the registration form. Although registration is helpful for planning purposes, it is not required, so please join us!
Then what? The next step are the Diocesan meetings that will be happening across our Diocese to share what was discussed in each cluster. Beginning in March, representatives of our Cluster will be asked to join for Diocesan meetings so that the Bishop can hear from every cluster in the Diocese before he prepares his report for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In 2023, the Synod will conclude in Rome, with the Holy Spirit guiding the way to setting a fire the hearts of the faithful.
To read Pope Francis' homily the Opening of the Synodal Path from St. Peter's Basilica, Sunday, October 10, 2021 click on the picutre below: