St. Albert

Parish Mission Statement:
We gather to pray, celebrate the sacraments and nurture our community. We go out to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through our daily love and care for all.

St. Albert the Great

Parish Location: 4351 Co Highway B ~ Land O'Lakes, WI 54540


Northern Lakes Catholic Communities Office and Mailing Address:


5001 Highway G ~ Eagle River, WI 54521



Mass Times:

Monday 8:30 a.m.

Confessions & Adoration from 8:00 am on Mondays.


Sunday 9:15 a.m.

Meet Our Councils 

Parish Council

Kelli Verkuilen- chairperson

Mark Gostisha

Jackie Pauckart

Missy Reiels

Kristine FLowers

Barbara Ladd 


Finance Council

Jeff Ladd- interim chairperson

Katie Lester

Shelly Sparks


Parish Trustees

Tom Chase

Building & Grounds Committee

Brian Reiels


Altar Society

Missy Reiels


Janitorial Church Cleaning

John Gwyn


Choir Lead

Jackie Pauckart

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