

Our 5 Parishes have many ministries and programs! If you're looking for ways to be involved, check this page often to find volunteer opportunities, stay tuned to our parish bulletin and fill out the form below. 

Not sure how you want to be involved? It might be a good idea to spend some time in prayer and reflection. You might ask yourself the following questions to get started: 

Why do I want to volunteer? What do I expect to get out of volunteering? 

What gifts, talents, special skills, and life or work experiences do I have to offer? 

What is my schedule and availability? How many hours a week or month am I able to commit?

What forms of work do I enjoy most? Perhaps being involved in liturgy, prayer, or music; office or administrative work; outreach and advocacy; manual labor, arts and crafts; event organizing; visiting the sick; history and research; teaching or public speaking; working with children or young adults...helping at the thrift or annex stores? 

Do I like working in big groups, small groups, or independently? Do I prefer to be front and center or in the background?

These questions are not exhaustive, but the idea is to prayerfully consider your desires and abilities. Volunteer work can be immensely fulfilling, and can afford one with profound experiences and tremendous spiritual and personal growth. The key is finding meaningful work that speaks to the calling of God in your heart. 

Contact Us

  • Alter Server

    Assist the priest or deacon during Mass

  • Arts and Environment (Decorating Committee)

    Help decorate for special seasons and change the liturgical colors when the calendar demands it. 

  • Bible Study

    Join a Bible Study we currently have offered or bring your own study to the table to offer to parishioners (with the priest's approval)

  • Building and Grounds

    With 1 main central office and buildings in 5 locations, it truly takes a village to manage the buildings and grounds. This ministry is in charge of checking on certain aspects of the building to request maintenance keeping the office in the know of problems or issues that need attention. 

  • Choir

    Love to sing? Every parish has a choir you can participate in. 

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium

    The Atrium is offered on Wednesday nights at the St. Peter Location to our youngest faithfuls (3-6). This fun and exciting classroom is always in need of volunteers who have a passion for faith formation and fun amongst our young souls. 

  • Community Garden

    The St. Peter location offers a chance to plant, tend, and reap the rewards of nature in a large garden plot. Veggies produced go to parishioners for a free-will offering and also to local food pantries. 

  • Catholic Service Appeal

    This ministry works with the office staff to complete mailings and keep the CSA addresses up to date to keep our Appeal efforts fruitful and efficient. 

  • Council of Catholic Women

    Any woman over the age of 18 is welcome to partake in this beautiful ministry of Catholic Women. This ministry plans pilgrimages to deepen your faith as well as visits homebound community members looking for companionship. 

  • Dinner Angels

    Provide a meal for around 60 students on Wednesday nights while Faith Formation is in session. 

  • Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion

    Assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion during Mass. 

  • Evangelization Team

    Be a part of the greatest mission. Evangelize and help people discover, come to, and strengthen their faith through various outreach events. 

  • Events Coordinator

    Help coordinate volunteers for food and clean up for various celebrations such as Patron Saint Day fellowships, jubilees, and other parish wide events. 

  • Event Planning Committee

    Volunteer food or your time for serving, decorating or clean up for various celebrations such as Patron Saint Day fellowships, jubilees, and other parish wide events. 

  • Fundraising

    Parishes are always looking to the future and planning the needs of their parishioners and their communities. If raising funds for future parish projects excites you, this ministry may be a good fit. 

  • Funeral Luncheon

    Parish communities come together in times of need. This ministry provides food, set up, and clean up for funeral lunches upon the request of the deceased's family. There is a committee for each parish. 

  • Homebound Communion Visits

    This ministry includes bringing the Eucharist to homebound parishioners upon their request. This ministry does require approval from the Bishop. Contact the office to get started on this journey. 

  • Hospitality Minister

    Receive training at your home parish to be a hospitality minister or greeter, at your home parish. Help folks who have questions and direct them to resources within the parish before and after Mass.  

  • Jail Ministry

    Join in this joyous opportunity to share Mass and the Lord with the inmates at the Vilas County Jail. This ministry is a true blessing to our community. 

  • Lector

    Participate in Mass by proclaiming the 1st and 2nd readings, prayers of the faithful, and announcements. 

  • Liturgical Ministries

    If you would like to participate at weekly Mass in a bigger way, but aren't sure where you fit in, reach out to the office to see what ministry might be the best fit for you.

  • Outreach Committee

    Serve our local communities by fundraising and gathering supplies that support their endeavors and bring the community together as a whole. 

  • Parish Council

    Participate in the decisions that bring change, blessings, and breathe new life into our parishes and keep our parishes running smoothly by joining the parish council. 

  • Prayer Shawl

    This is a ministry at St. Kunegunda Church. They knit or crochet baby blankets and prayer shawls. Most baby blankets are donated to area hospitals to be given to newborns as an outward expression of  appreciation of the gift of life. 

  • Sacristan

    Prepare the altar and the Eucharist ensuring there is enough wine, water, and bread for Mass. 

  • St. Anne's Altar Society

    This St. Albert Ministry is open to all women at St. Albert who wish to partake in a women's ministry while doing good for the community. 

  • Thrift Store

    Our cluster is blessed with 3 thrift stores and 1 seasonal operation:

    St. Peter Annex

    St. Peter Thrift

    St. Theresa Thrift Store

    St. Theresa Man Cave 

    Both St. Peter shops are located in Eagle River while both St. Theresa shops are located in Three Lakes. 

    They are always looking for volunteers to sort donations, run the registers, and help with changeover. 

  • Youth Faith Formation

    We are always in need of Catechists and volunteers and chaperones for youth mission trips. If you have a passion for the formation of hearts and minds of the youth, this may be a great ministry to serve in. 

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