Grade 11-12

Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 11-12

GOAL:  That the youth prepare to be confirmed as a disciple of Jesus and are equipped to assume the responsibilities that flow from their Confirmation


  • Youth will learn to:Name and describe the key elements of the Paschal Mystery as first revealed in the Hebrew Scripture and as fully revealed in the events of the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Pentecost {GDC#91, 98} [CCC: 122, 124, 128-130, 571- 573, 638, 731, 1067, 1164, 1169]
  • Relate the key elements of the Paschal Mystery to the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist {GDC#66, 85} [CCC: 1213, 1225, 1227, 1288, 1303, 1322-1327]
  • Explain the meaning that the Sacraments of Initiation have for them personally in becoming and growing as disciples {GDC# 183} [CCC: 1285-1321]
  • Identify both the gifts and baptismal responsibilities they possess for participating in the Church’s service ministries {GDC# 183} [CCC: 1266-69, 1830-1832, 1965-1972]
  • Recognize and challenge injustice and violence in today’s society, personally and with others {GDC# 183} [CC: 2407- 2449, 2536, 2820, 2831]
  • Name the four forms of vocation within the Church and describe the special contribution each make to the overall life of the Church: Marriage, Holy Orders, Religious Life, Single Life {GDC # 194, 224} [CCC: 871-873, 917, 925-927, 934, 940-945, 1590-1600, 1660, 2253]
  • Do peer ministry {GDC#86, 231} [CCC: 871-873, 925-927, 1590-1600, 1618-1620, 1659-1666, 2204-2206]
  • Take a more active role in the celebration of the Eucharist [CCC: 1140-1144]

  • The youth will understand:What it means to be a friend and disciple of Jesus [CCC: 222-227, 520, 618, 738, 2087]
  • The nature of the Sacrament of Confirmation and the role it plays in the life of the disciple {GDC #231} [CCC: 1286-1289, 1302-1305]
  • The nature and meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage and its importance for the Church [CCC: 1612-1617]
  • The importance of marriage and the domestic church as a ministerial vocation [CCC: 1655-1658]
  • The meaning of the realities of evil, suffering and death in human existence in light of the Paschal Mystery [CCC: 571-573]
  • The nature of service ministry in the Church {GDC #55} [CCC: 1534, 1886, 1889, 1905-1912, 1913-1917, 2443-2449]
  • The nature and purpose of evangelization {GDC # 46-49} [CCC: 425-429, 849-856]
  • The basic responsibilities as members of the community of disciples: participation in the community’s worship, hospitality, fellowship, stewardship and ministry {GDC # 55} [CCC: 782, 897-913]

  • Youth will have the opportunity to:Participate in a youth retreat
  • Work with his/her sponsor in preparing for Confirmation
  • Participate with members of the parish in various social and service projects
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Assume the various roles in the parish liturgy: servers, readers, ushers, hospitality, music and planning the environment
  • Participate in parish structures such as councils and committees

  • Parents/Guardians are asked to:Participate in the celebration of Eucharist with you son/daughter on weekends and holy days of obligation
  • Participate in the parent sessions associated with Confirmation preparation
  • Assist your son/daughter in selecting a Confirmation sponsor
  • Encourage and support your son/daughter in the Confirmation project(s) he/she undertakes as part of Confirmation preparation
  • Discern with your son/daughter the decision to be confirmed




Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.


Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade:


Circle of Grace Curriculum: Grade 11-12


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