Grade 2

Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 2

GOAL:  The children will discover that as disciples of Jesus each person is called to love, forgive and serve others and share in the community's celebrations of Reconciliation and Eucharist.




The children will be able to:


  • Tell Bible stories in the child's own words to include: (1424, 1449)



  • God sending manna to the Israelites, Ex 16:2-5, 9-15;
  • The call of Samuel, 1 Sam 3:1-21;
  • The wedding feast at Cana, In 2:1-11;
  • The miracle of the loaves and fishes,  In.  6:1-13;
  • Forgiving seventy times seven, Mt 18:21-22;
  • The story of Zaccheus, Lk. 19:1-10;
  • The Last Supper, including the washing of the feet of the Apostles, Mt 26;17-26, In 17:1-26, Lk 22:13-20, In 13; 1-17;
  • The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of  Jesus  Mt 27: 32-56, Lk 24:13-35;
  • The Prodigal Son, Lk 15:11-24;
  • Loaves and fishes, In 6:1-13



  • Connect these Scripture stories with words and actions in daily life (141,131-3)
  • Celebrate the liturgical seasons using both formal and spontaneous prayer (1163-4,2688)
  • Pray using simple verses from Scripture (2653-4)
  • Name and describe the two main parts of the Mass: Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy
  • of Eucharist (1349ff)
  • Recognize and express thanks for the goodness of God's Creation (354, 339)
  • Treat all life with respect and responsibility (229,225-6)
  • Describe Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation as the Church's Sacraments of Initiation/belonging (1229, 1212)
  • Examine his/her conscience (1454, 1779)



The children will understand that:


  • Mary is the Mother of Jesus and our example of how to be a good disciple (963, 2030, 829)
  • Jesus is the fullest expression we have of how much God loves us (1065, 604)
  • There is a special, loving relationship between God: Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit (232,218, 1822)
  • The Church is a family made up of the disciples of Jesus (959, 759, 1655-8)
  • The priest and other liturgical minister and parish community have special roles at the Eucharist (1140-4)
  • The bread and wine at Mass become the body and blood of Jesus Christ (1375,1382)
  • Forgiveness and reconciliation are important parts of the life of the Church
  • (2838-95)
  • There is a difference between sin and accidents or mistakes (1849, 1870-6)


The children will have the opportunity to:


  • Celebrate the liturgical seasons using different kinds of prayers, rituals and traditions (1145-62)
  • Experience ritual celebrations of forgiveness and reconciliation (1480, 1434-9)
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of First Reconciliation (1439, 1474)
  • Celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion (1388, 1407, 1417)


Parent(s) are asked to : (1655, 2221-31)


  • Celebrate Sundays and holy days with child by worshipping with parish community (1140, 2177-82)
  • Review with child the traditional prayers learned in Grade One (2685)
  • Teach child an Act of Contrition (1451, 2685)
  • Involve child in preparing and serving family meals (2221-31)
  • Celebrate family rituals involving the sharing of bread (2221-31)
  • Involve child in baking bread (2221-31)
  • Participate with child in some parish "meals" - picnic, festival, etc. (2221-31)
  • Allow child to accompany parent when doing a work of charity like bringing a meal to sick person (2221-31)
  • Cooperate in the parish's First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation programs if available. (1655,2221-31)
  • Model forgiveness in the family setting (2221-31)


Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.


Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade:


Circle of Grace Curriculum: Grade 2


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