Grade 3

Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 3

GOAL:  The children will discover that a disciple lives, celebrates and serves within the Church.  
The children will learn to: 

  • Tell New Testament stories in a child's own words to include: (131-3, 104-5)
  • Jesus and his disciples, Mt. 10:5-12, Lk 10:1-12;
  • Sermon on the Mount, Mt 5-7;
  • The Ascension, Acts 1:6- 11;
  • Pentecost, Acts 2:43-47;
  • The life of the early Church, Acts 2:43-47
  • Connect New Testament Scripture stories with daily life (101-4)
  • Celebrate the liturgical seasons using personal, formal, and communal prayer (1163-4, 2688)
  • Pray with the Scriptures (2653-4,2205,2688)
  • Describe by means of simple words or Symbols these special roles of each of the Persons in the Trinity: God the Father - Creator of all life; God the Son - Savior and Redeemer of all people; God the Holy Spirit - Helper, Sanctifier, Guide to making good choices (240,290,422,436, 1742,686, 749, 705, 714)
  • Describe what the word  creed  means (186-7)
  • List the four marks of the Church and briefly explain their meaning (811-3, 823, 830, 857)
  • Name and briefly describe the seven sacraments (1084,1113, 1145ft)




The children will understand that:


  • There is a difference between the Old Testament and New Testament (120-7)
  • The Church is the People of God (781-2)
  • Were to use our gifts and talents in service to the church and world (786, 2826)
  • The Church celebrates as community through the sacraments (1068, lll, ll18)
  • Prayer is our way of talking with God and is necessary in a Christian life (2744-5, 2565)
  • The Church helps us learn right from wrong (888,2037-8)
  • Mary and the saints are part of our Church community through the community of saints (946-8)


The children will have the opportunity to :


  • Treat all life with respect and good stewardship (225-6, 299, 1929)
  • Apply the two great Commandments of love to situations in daily life (1889,2196)
  • Recognize and describe the vestments, vessels and other items used for communal worship (1181-5)
  • Identify their personal gifts and talents and use them to help in the parish and beyond (2238-9,2427-8)
  • Retell stories of saints and heroes and apply their example to life today (946-8, 956)


Parent(s) are asked to   :   (2221-31)


  • Celebrate Sundays and holy days with child by worshipping with parish community (ll40, 2177)
  • Celebrate church holy days and seasons in the home with special decorations, family traditions and rituals (2204, 2226-8)
  • Read Bible stories and lives of the saints with child (1084, lll3, ll45ff)
  • Help child experience, contact, and observe the work of parish lay ministers and community volunteers (2232-2)
  • Involve child/family in some form of parish/ community service along with family (2224-8)
  • Show forgiveness to each other in the family (2227)
  • Help child learn the Nicene Creed (2221,186,194,197)
  • Pray with child, using communal and spontaneous prayer (2685)


Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.


Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade:


Circle of Grace Curriculum: Grade 3


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