Grade 5

Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 5

GOAL:  The children will discover that all Life is sacred and that the seven sacraments help us experience Christ and celebrate life’s passages within the Catholic community.  
The children will learn to:

  • Identify the meaning, signs and symbols of each of the seven sacraments (1084, 1113, 1145ff)
  • Find and describe passages in Scripture which deal with:
  • Jesus' ministry as teacher and healer; Jesus enjoying meals with others;
  • (517, 1507)
  • Jesus forgiving sinners; Jesus' friendship with his disciples and others
  • (542, 2839ff)
  • The community life of the early Church as described in Acts and Paul's letter to the Romans (including Pentecost and the Emmaus story) (949-53)


  • Celebrate the liturgical seasons using a variety of prayer forms (1163-5, 2839ft)
  • Resolve conflicts peaceably (2303-4)
  • Practice forgiveness and reconciliation in daily life (2830-45)
  • Use positive, affirming words and actions in relations with family and schoolmates (225, 357, 1823)
  • Identify and avoid selfish and harmful words or actions (2469, 2477)
  • Use critical  thinkin g skills to examine the various values and behaviors promoted in society, especially in the media (1779-88)



The children will understand that:


  • Each of the Sacraments use special (symbolic) words and actions to convey their meaning and purpose (1145-62)
  • All life is sacred (2258, 293)
  • All members of the Church community have a special role in the celebration of each of the Sacraments (1136, 1140, 1144)
  • The Church has a special mission to build the Kingdom of God (2044-6)
  • The meaning of vocation: the call to religious life, ordained ministry, marriage, single life (871-3)
  • Peace and justice are signs of the Kingdom of God (2046,1829)
  • Original sin has affected all humanity and all human history (403-9,953)
  • There is a difference between personal sin and social or communal sin (1849-76)
  • Personal sin is always the result of our free choice (1732)
  • Jesus is our best example or revelation of God's love and care for us (457-8)
  • Jesus is present today in various ways: Sacraments, the Church, Scripture, each other (1088, 776)
  • The Holy Spirit is present and active in many ways in the church and daily life (688, 735-6)
  • Jesus continues to heal and forgive through the Church (668-9, 1420-21)


The children will have the opportunity to:


  • Model and share faith in involvement with peers and younger children( 1905-12)
  • Tell stories of saints and heroes and apply their example to life today (946-8, 956)
  • Celebrate the liturgical seasons using a variety of prayer forms (1163-4, 2688)
  • Pray, especially by creating prayer services with classmates (2590-1,2653)
  • Explore the symbolic words and actions used in the Sacraments (1145-55)


Parent(s) are asked to:  (2221-31, 1655-8)


  • Celebrate Sundays and holy days with child by worshipping with parish community (2177-82)
  • Help child identify ways he/she can use personal talents and gifts to help the family, the parish community and the needy (1657)
  • Participate in parish reconciliation services with child (1480, 1434-9)
  • Encourage child to read Scripture stories and the lives of the saints (1045,1113, 1145fl)




Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.


Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade:


Circle of Grace Curriculum: Grade 5


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