Grade 6

Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 6


  • GOAL:  The youth will become familiar with the Old Testament and its importance in the life of discipleship and in the life of the community of disciples, the Church.  
    The youth will learn to:Find passages in Scripture using standard scripture citations (131-3)
  • Recount the main events in the history of the Hebrew people: (131-3, 101-8,54-67)
  • The Genesis stories of the Creation and Fall;
  • The story of Noah,
  • The story of Abraham and Sara;
  • The story of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph,
  • The story of Moses,
  • The Passover, Exodus and Covenant,
  • The story of establishment of the kingdom: Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon,
  • The story of division and decline of the Kingdom,
  • The story and the preaching of the main prophets: Jeremiah, Hosea, Amos, Isaiah, Ezekiel;
  • The defeat, capture and exile of the Kingdom of Israel;
  • The restoration under Ezra and Nehemiah
  • Define covenant as a special loving relationship between God and God's people (308, 707-10)
  • Pray using the Old Testament, especially the Psalms (2653-4,2597)
  • Relate the message and moral values proclaimed by the Hebrew prophets with the message and moral values proclaimed by Jesus: justice, compassion for the poor and helpless, fidelity to God's Law, mercy and forgiveness (1961-70,1749)
  • Identify the forces of violence, oppression and injustice present in today's society (388-9, 1852-3)
  • Apply the message of the Hebrew prophets regarding justice and peace to circumstances in their own lives (1961-70,1749)
  • List and describe the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit (1830-32)
    The youth will understand:
  • The main images and qualities of God as revealed in the Old Testament: God as Creator, Lord of Lords, King, Father/Mother/Spouse; God as ever faithful, merciful, compassionate, patient, just; God as protector of the widow, the orphan, the poor, the oppressed, the alien (239,269,203-21)
  • The relationship that exists among the Passover event in the Old Testament, the Passion story and the Church's celebration of Eucharist (571, 1067, 1076)
  • The various symbols from the Old Testament that are now used by the Church in its liturgical celebrations: Lamb, water, fire, oil, unleavened bread (1150-2, 1145)
  • The relationship of the Bible, Tradition and the role of church authority (80-87)

  • The youth will have the opportunity to:Participate in a Seder Meal and/or a retreat or evening of reflection 24, 2568-89)
  • Celebrate a communal reconciliation service during Advent and/or Lent (1434-9, 1480, 1482)
  • Plan and carry out a service project (2208-9,2239)

  • Parent(s) are asked to:    (2221-31, 1655-8)
  • Participate in the celebration of Eucharist with youth on weekends (2225-6,2177-82)
  • Help youth identify the possible forces of violence, oppression and injustice in the local community and discuss ways the family can help oppose them (2224,2207)
  • Read or pray the Scripture occasionally in a family setting with youth (2223-5)
  • Participate with youth in a parish reconciliation service (1480, 1434-9)




Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.


Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade:


Circle of Grace Curriculum: Grade 6


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