Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 7
GOAL: The youth will become familiar with the origins, nature and content of the New Testament and its role in the life of discipleship and the life of the community of disciples, the Church.
The youth will learn to:Recount the main events in the life of Jesus as told in the Gospels: his birth, childhood, baptism, public life, Last Supper, Passion, Death and Resurrection, Ascension and sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (131-3,65-7, 101-4)
Pray in various ways by using Gospel passages as an aid (2653-4, 2665, 1100)
Pray using a simple journaling technique (2660, 2700-3)
Apply the teachings of Jesus about God the Father to their own relationship with God (1693-4, 1877)
Apply the moral teachings of Jesus to their own life decisions using the Scriptures including the corporal and spiritual works of mercy (1698,1706,1721,2030-1,2447)
Use their own good example as a means to evangelize and promote God's reign (1789,1972, 1888, 905)
Trace the origins of the Eucharist to the Last Supper (1153, 1166, 1343. 1347)
Take a more active part in the parish's life and ministry, in keeping with their age and abilities (781-6, 791)
The youth will understand:The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
The following terms as they apply to the development of the New Testament:
oral tradition; literary forms; intent of author; final editing; literal vs. Theological interpretation; synoptic gospels (101-33)
The following key themes in the parables and other teachings of Jesus:
The need to approach God as children of a loving, compassionate, all-merciful parent;
The nature of the Kingdom of God: its importance above all else, our duty to strive for it, love of neighbor, forgiveness of enemies, avoidance of violence, and compassion for the poor, the helpless and less fortunate (541-50,556)
The key message contained in the following parables:
The Good Samaritan, Lk 16:25-37;
The prodigal son, Lk 15:11-31;
The use of the talents, Matt 25: 15-22 (545-6, 2839, 1439, 799-8(0)
The nature and purpose of evangelization (905, 849-56)
The role and importance of good example in promoting the Kingdom of God (2472, 2044)
The Church as a sign of the Kingdom of God (763-6, 738, 932)
That the mission and ministry of the Church is a continuation of the mission and ministry of Jesus (849, 737-8, 863-5)
Pentecost as the birthday of the Church (1076)
The youth will have the opportunity to:Plan and execute a group service project during Advent and/or Lent (2208-9, 2239)
Participate in a retreat or evening of recollection (2599-2614,2623-42)
Help plan and participate in liturgy for the parish (2177,2179)
Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (1434-9, 1480-2)
Parent(s) are asked to: (2221-31, 1665-8)
Participate in the celebration of Eucharist with youth on weekends (2225-6, 2177-82)
Encourage youth to take a more active part in the parish's life and ministry, in keeping with child's age and abilities (2223-6)
Help youth identify opportunities for doing "good works" in the local community (2207-8)
Participate with youth in the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (1422ff)
Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.
Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade: