Diocese of Superior Curriculum Guidelines ~ Grade 8
GOAL: The youth will become more familiar with the nature of the Church, its sacraments and its history and with their responsibility as today's disciples to participate in the Church's life of worship and mission.
The youth will learn to:
Give a definition of the following: liturgy, sacrament, each of the Seven Sacraments (1069, 1116, 121ff)
Explain the role each of the Seven Sacraments has in the life of discipleship, with special emphasis on the Eucharist (1210fI)
Name and describe the key theme of each of the liturgical seasons (1168-73)
Participate in the Eucharist in a more prayerful way (1322ff, 1345-72)
Recognize the sacramental presence of the Risen Lord, not just in the Eucharist but also in others, especially in the community of disciples (901-13,783-6)
Recognize one's sexuality as a gift from God and respect the sexuality of others (355, 36973,2331-6)
Identify ways they can participate in Jesus' threefold mission (teach, sanctify, serve) in their own daily life (901-13, 783-6)
Name and describe the four marks of the Church (813-65)
Give a simple description of the main persons and chief events in each of these periods in Church's history:
Apostolic Church,
Age of Persecution,
Age of the Great Heresies,
Rise of Monasticism,
Middle Ages, Age of Reformation,
Vatican II to present (770, 7689, 5Off, 168-9, 172, 702-32)
The youth will understandThe nature and purpose of human sexuality as contained in Scripture and taught by the Church (355, 369ff, 2331-6)
The nature of Jesus' threefold mission as prophet/teacher, priest/sanctifier, and shepherd/ servant (783-6)
The relationship between Jesus' threefold mission (teach, sanctify, serve) and the work of the Church throughout history and continuing today including social justice (901-13)
Their relationship to the Communion of Saints (946-59)
The youth will have the opportunity to:Take a more active role in the parish's threefold mission, in keeping with their age and abilities (2223-6)
Assume appropriate roles in the parish liturgy (2177, 2179)
Participate in a retreat or evening of recollection (2599-614,2623-42)
Participate with adults in a parish service project (2207-9, 2239)
Study and name heroes and heroines of the Church both from yesterday and today (9468, 956)
Parent(s) are asked to: (2221-31, 1655-8)
Participate in the celebration of Eucharist with youth on weekends (2225-6,2177-82)
Encourage youth to assume various roles in the parish liturgy (2223-4)
Help youth appreciate and understand his/her gift of sexuality (2339-40, 2362)
Pray with youth (2685, 2650)
Encourage youth in reading Scripture and lives of the Saints (50, 102, 957)
Circle of Grace is the Safe Environment Curriculum Required by the Diocese of Superior for use in our formation programs.
Click the link below for the curriculum for this grade: