Each of our students have been given a Catholic Bible as well as a catechism. Our high school students/adults use the blue Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you are needing a physical copy, let Jen know. Digital resources are below. Most lessons will reference the catechism.
Click on the image to go to the online Catechism Resource or the Bible
Other resources you will need to have for your @home formation work:
Formed.org subscription ~ [ FORMED.org ~ free to sign up, select St. Theresa of Avila and it should allow you to register. ]
YDisciple Subscription ~ Access were given through email.
Join us in person for these special dates:
11.30.22 Adoration & Reconciliation
12.7.22 Mass: Immaculate Conception, Group to follow
12.14.22 CHRISTMAS PLAY 6 pm/Pot-Luck Dinner Cluster @ StP
2.15.23 YOUTH RALLY-6-9 pm @ StP
2.22.23 Ash Wednesday Mass 6 pm- Lenten Group to follow
3.15.23 Shadow Stations Practice @ StP 6:30 pm
3.17-3.19.23 WEEKEND High School Discipleship Weekend
4.2.23 Shadow Stations Pines: 12 pm Performance 4 pm
4.5.23 Shadow Stations TLHS: 5:30 dinner 6 practice 7 performance
Click on the links below to be taken to the lesson/information for that topic.
Teen Questions of Faith: The Diocese of Lansing put out this great resource tackling some tough questions and providing CCC References. You should have these books, if not see the Digital Resources at the top of this page.
Sacraments: Carriers of God's Grace Video
Lesson on Prayer
The Pope
Discuss each of the following videos after viewing:
Watch and discuss the series: CALLED on YDisciple
Session 1 : What is Vocation
Session 2: What is Discernment
Session 3: Called to Holy Orders
Session 4: Called to Consecrated Life
Session 5: Called to Holy Matirmony
Church Calendar/ Preparing for Advent
A Season for Everything: Fr. Mike Schmitz
Moral Teaching & Dogma
Dogma, Doctrine and Meat on Friday : Fr. Mike Schmitz
Watch and discuss: In Pursuit Series: Seeking a Moral Life
Session 2: Seeking Fulfillment
Stations of the Cross-Walking through the Mass
Pray the Stations of the Cross - National Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux
Stations of the Cross for Families
Why we pray the Stations of the Cross
Living the Creed
Episode #5: Matrimony & Holy Orders
Episode #9: Catholic Social Teaching
Episode #10: Protecting Dignity of the Human Person
Four Marks of the Church
This lesson will be provided at the Spring parent meeting and via email.
-Four Marks Power Point Resource
Virtues, Theological
Virtues, Cardinal
Three Virtues to bring you closer to God
The Virtue that takes Virtues to the Next Level
The Virtue of Justice Explained
Gifts of the Spirit
Fruits of the Spirit
Fruits of the Spirit in a time of Covid-19
How the devil uses your gifts and talents against you
Topic: Reconciliation, life of a Disciple
Prayer, meditation, journaling etc
A Method of Prayer for Everyone
How to Pray with Scripture like a Friar
When Mass feels like going through the motions
Mary and her Immaculate Conception
Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation
Saints, how to become ~ Angels
The Saints: Service and Faith Through Depression
Creed, Nicene/Apostle’s
What is the Creed and Why is it Important?
Your Strongest Muscles this Lent
Works of Mercy
Catholic Church vs other denominations
Risen Lord present in those around us
Pentecost/Mission of the Church
Giving the Gift of Plenary Indulgence
What Pentecost means for Christian Life
Mary, Rosary, Miraculous Medal