Sep 25, 2024
Questions for a Catholic Priest with Fr. Ron Serrao
Check out the video interview here!
Why do priests wear a white collar?
A: Priests and deacons will both wear white collars. But it can differ in color from country to country. Some priests even forgo the white collar and wear a white robe instead. However, the point of the robe or colored collar is to distinguish them as Catholic priests.
Why do priests wear black?
A: (laughs) Priests can wear other colors. It is just a common color for priests to wear, as it sticks out against the white collar and goes well with the white collar. Priests can wear other colors as well like blue, white, etc. But black is just the most common.
Why do Catholics go to confession?
A: Confession is one of the seven sacraments. Confession is also called reconciliation. Priests and bishops can both hear confessions. Jesus gave the authority to priests and bishops to act in the place of Christ to forgive the people for the sins they have committed. In this way, this sacrament is a celebration of Christ’s forgiveness for our human errors and of his love.
Are confessions kept confidential?
A: In short, yes. A confessional seal is the duty of a priest to not disclose anything they hear during the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
What if they confess that they have harmed themselves or someone else?
A: We can guide them to seek help and to speak to a counselor. But if it is told during the sacrament of confession, it can not be reported due to the confessional seal.
Who do priests confess to?
A: Priests confess to other priests. They can do this whenever another priest is available and have ample opportunity at events such as retreats and clergy workshops.
How do you make holy water?
A: There is a blessing prayer that is performed on the water which then becomes holy. Any water that is pure and clean can be blessed for holy water.
Why don’t Catholic priests get married?
A: In the beginning, they were. Apostles had wives and children. As time went on, the Church decided priests should not marry. This gives them more time and availability to spend on the needs of the parishes and parishioners.. So it has changed over time. And it is a gift they accept to live.
Why do Catholic priests move?
A: Most dioceses have a term limit that moves priests every 5, 6, 7, or so years. They do this so priests get an opportunity to be missionaries in different places, and also so they don’t get so attached. However, that is changing now in some dioceses due to the lack of priests.
Why do priests take a vow of celibacy?
A: Times have changed since the Apostles who were married and had families. Priests give themselves completely to Jesus. The gift of celibacy allows priests to focus solely on their vocation.
Why can’t a female be a priest?
A: That’s a good question. Jesus’ Apostles were men and that is the way it has always been. I think we need to respect the history and norm of the Catholic Church until the Pope says differently. Women do tend to take a huge leadership role in the church as they run most of the ministries.
What advice would you give to a young person considering religious life?
A: There are many ways you can serve in the Catholic Church such as missionary priests, diocesan priests, religious brothers, and religious sisters (nuns). God is calling you to serve in many ways. There are also many ministries that can be served in. This is all in the glory of God. I would say to look at all your options. Talk to a priest and spend some time in prayer to see what option would be the best fit.
As pastor to the NLCC you have a lot to do and are very busy, but do you ever get lonely?
A: Yes. Sometimes I miss my family and I'm far away from them. But at the end of the day, I’m tired.
Do you ever wish you would have married or had children?
A: Maybe when I was young. But as I think back on my vocation of 32 years, I think this was the best choice for me. Married life and priestly life are both vocations. Wherever you end up, God is calling you to do your best.
What is the most challenging thing you do in your role as Pastor for the NLCC?
A: All the churches in the cluster and people within those churches are different. Everybody wants things done a little differently. At the end of the day, you can’t satisfy everyone. We have to do what we think is best for our churches, God, and our people.