Volume II ~ December Parent Support






Click on the image above to go to the online catechism resource.


Please Note: Most of the following supplemental materials have been share with us by the folks at Sophia Press for your use in increasing the faith of your family.


December Parent Guide

Weekly Learning Goals

Fridge Sheet

Parent Essays


Advent / Christmas Resources 


Advent / Christmas Activities

Manger Ornaments

Our Gift to Grow Family Challenge

Advent Family Covenant

Making the Most of Advent Activities

Saint Coloring Sheets

Our Lady of Loreto

Our Lady of Guadalupe

St. Lucy

St. Adelaide of Burgundy

St. John of Matha

Bl. Imelda Lambertini

Bl. Jutta of Disibodenberg

The Holy Ancestors of Christ







Confirmation is often misunderstood as a kind of “graduation” or public acceptance of the Faith. In fact, the Sacrament of Confirmation is an important step on the path of Christian initiation that completes, or confirms, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit received at Baptism and sends the person out to proclaim boldly the Good News.

Catechism Connections (click link to go direct to the CCC location)
CCC 1285-1321
  • Anoint
    • To rub or mark with oil. Holy oil is spread on our foreheads in Baptism and Confirmation, and again in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. New Priests are also anointed with Holy oil in the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


  • Apostle
    • A person who is sent out as a representative of someone else. Jesus chose twelve men to be His Apostles. . They preached Jesus’ message of salvation and worked miracles in His name. Jesus gave the Apostles special authority and made them the first leaders (bishops) of the Church. (96, 869, 935)


  • Confirmation
    • The Sacrament of Initiation that strengthens the outpouring of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism. Confirmation also gives to us special strength to spread and protect our Catholic faith. The celebration of Confirmation involves the bishop laying his hands upon the person and praying for God’s blessing. This is a sign of being chosen. The bishop will also anoint the person with holy oil as a sign of the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1275, 1316, 1320)


  • Holy Spirit: 
    • The third Person of the Holy Trinity. He proceeds from the Father and the Son and is worshipped and glorified as fully God. The Holy Spirit fills us with His gifts and guides us to holiness in the Church. (261, 267, 747)


  • Pentecost
    • The day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles and the Church was born. Fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection (10 days after His Ascension into Heaven), Mary and the Apostles gathered in the upper room and were filled with the Holy Spirit, who came in a rush of wind and appeared as tongues of fire over their heads.


  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    • We receive the gifts from the Holy Spirit when we are in a state of grace. They are: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. The anointing performed in Confirmation is a sign of the reception of these gifts.


Video Support Click on the title below:

Confirmation: Consecrated for Mission

Confirmation Echo Bishop Donald Hying

Sophia SketchPad: Confirmation

Why is Confirmation Important?


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